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sunnuntai 3. marraskuuta 2013

Joulutähtisaippua - Mexican Flame Leaf Soap for Christmas

Joudun nyt valitettavasti ilmoittamaan että kotikemistin saippuapajaa sulkeutuu loppuvuodeksi kiireiden takia, mutta ehkä muuta kosmetiikaa ja askartelua ehdin tehdä vielä tämän vuoden puolella. Kohta saa nähdä kuinka iso himo tulee tehdä saippuoita kun ei vaan ole mahdollisuus siihen.
Sadly I have to announce that I will have so much other things to do that my little soap workshop will be closed for the rest of the year. But I will probably have time to make some cosmetics and other crafts. Soon we will see how much I will miss soaping when I don´t have a chance to soap.

Tämä saippua sai inspiraationsa lempi joulukukasta, eli joulutähdestä. Pidän eniten niistä perinteisistä tummanpunaisista jotka piristävät kotia kun muuten on niin pimeätä. Jouluisella saippualla pitää olla jouluinen tuoksu, joten valitsin omenaisen glögin tuoksuksi joka tuoksuu omenasiideriltä, appelsiineiltä, vaniljalta sekä muskotilta.
This soap was inspired by my favorite Christmas flower, the Mexican Flame Leaf. I like the most the traditional dark red flowers that brighten up your home when it is dark outside. A Christmasy soap should have a Christmasy fragrance, so I chose Spiced Apple Cider FO. It smells like apple cider, oranges, vanilla and nutmeg.

250 g kookosöljyä
100 g kaakaovoita
170 g oliiviöljyä
100 g seesaminsiemenöljyä
30 g risiiniöljyä
150 g riisinleseöljyä

304 g vettä ja 110 g lipeää 

1 ½ tl kaoliinisavea ja 1 ½ tl jogurttijauhetta
punaista rautaoksiidia

Mexican Flame Leaf Soap
250 g coconut oil
100 g cocoa butter
170 g olive oil
100 g sesame oil
30 g castor oil
150 g rice bran oil

304 g water and 110 g lye

1 ½ teaspoons kaolin clay and 1 ½ teaspoons powdered yogurt
red iron oxide
Spiced Apple Cider FO 

Lisäsin tuoksun ainoastaan värittömään saippuaan, koska perinteisesti mausteiset tuoksut värjäävät saippuan ruskeaksi ja kuka nyt ruskeata kukkaa haluaa :) Saippua pysyi sopivan löysänä ja sitä oli helppo kauhoa lusikalla muotiin. Aika kauan siinä meni kun yritin että punainen saippua ei levisi kovinkaan paljon yli kukkien reunojen. Eli tämä ohje vaikuttaa oikein hyvältä. Eikä tuoksuöljy nopeuttanut saippuoitumisprosessia. Toisin sanoin hyvä ohje ja hyvä tuoksuöljy :)
I added the FO only to the natural soap batter, because traditionally FO´s with spices discolors the soap brown and who wants brown flowers :) The soap stayed nice and loose so it was easy to spoon the soap in the mold. It took a lot of time because I did not want the red soap to spread. This recipe was a nice one and the FO did not speed trace. 

Saippuaa jäi sen verran yli että sain vielä 5 pientä saippuapalaa/ There was so much soap left that I got also 5 small soap bars.

12 kommenttia:

  1. Do you know that this post's disapperaing???
    I saw it when you published and was not able to see any pics, and later I could't find it at all (from my phone, though). There is a thread, but when I click it, I got nothing, it says the post doesn't exist.
    I've finally found it form my lap-top. There is some issue with blogger, apparently. (Maybe, revert it to draft, and then re-publish???)
    Now, back to soap! I have to laugh! Because two weeks or so, I made a similar soap. I was making Lemon Verbena and ended up with some excess soap, which I poured in the flower mould and alternated colours. Hi,hi, this is the second time we make similar soaps at similar time. Among others, I have those two colours in mine,also! Funny!
    I'll be missing your posts,but make sure you show up on other blogs! :-)
    Enjoy the following period ans your new lovely 'Mexican' flower soap! I really wish I could smell it, mine is so lemon-y!

  2. What a coincidence Maja! There is some soap fairy that tells us to do similar soaps :)

    I have had some problems with blogger. It is only a white page most of the time. And I get a lot of spam :/ Signe was kind and e-mailed me about that she could not see this post earlier. But hope everybody can see it now.

    1. Ihanan näköisiä! Näyttävät ihan joululeivonnaisilta. :) Mistä olet hankkinut noin kivat muotit? Tuoksusekoituskin kuulostaa ihanalta.

    2. Kiitos :) Tuoksu on tosi kiva. Sopivasti lämpimää hedelmää ja mausteita. Muotti on hankittu Virosta.

  3. Ok, now I understand why I could see this post, nice to know blogger works again!
    Lovely soap for Christmas, Marika! The scent sounds nice!
    I still have to make some soap for Christmas period but I have no inspiration :(.
    I still hope to see you around, Marika!

    1. Thank you :)
      I have a ton of inspiration, but no time. You will have inspiration soon!

  4. We'll miss you Marika, enjoy your holiday season! I love this flower soap, it's so cute!!!

  5. I'm having a terrible time with Blogger replies to everyone keep disappearing, so I apologize if this is a double post!

    We'll miss you Marika, but have a wonderful holiday season. I love this soap, it's too cute!!!

    1. Blogger has been a nightmare lately...

      Thank you :) Happy holidays to you too (even if it is a bit too early)

  6. Beautiful color combination and very nice idea how to make original design of soap using this type of mold. The title of this post really reminds me that I finally have to start making my Christmas soaps too:)

    1. Thanks :) It sure is time to make soap for x-mas.

  7. I missed this post earlier, Marika! I think this was the one that disappeared on me, too. I thought maybe you had deleted the post or put it back into draft mode. I can see it now, though! The soap flowers are so pretty, and the fragrance sounds really nice. Perfect for Christmas. I like the swirls you got, too. We will miss you until the new year, but I know how busy things can get this time of year. Have a happy holiday season!
