Alhaalla vasemmalla kuumamenetelmäsaippua ja ylhäällä oikealla kylmämenetelmäsaippua. / Hot process soap on the left and cold process on the right. |
I just love spring!! It is so wonderful to pick flowers and plants and make soap of them. I had difficulties to decide what to put in this shampoo because there was so many things to choose from. I found a small bush of nettles and the dandelions have just started to bloom. Nettles are nice for dark hair, but don´t use it if you are blonde. It can make your hair green. Nettles prevent hair loss, dandruff and prevents the hair of becoming oily. Dandelions contain vitamins A and C, calcium and iron. It purifies the skin and makes it clearer, so why not also use it in shampoo.
Uutin tuoreet silputut nokkoset oliiviöljyyn ja se oli mielenkiintoinen kokemus. Täällä haisi ihan kalalle :D Öljystä tuli parissa tunnissa kauniin tummanvihreää eikä haju nyt loppujen lopuksi haitannut kovinkaan paljon. Siiviölin öljyn ensin pienireikäisellä teesiivilällä ja tämän jälkeen vielä nelinkertaisen harson läpi. Kuitenkin öljyyn jäi vielä jotain pientä "roskaa", joten annoin sen laskeutua astian pohjalle ja kaadoin "puhtaan öljyn" toiseen astiaan.
I infused the fresh chopped nettles in olive oil and that was an interesting experience. It smelled like fish :D The oil became dark green in two hours and it did not smell that bad. I strained it twice, but there still was some "dirt" in it, but I got it out.
Näin paljon nokkosia käytin. / These are all the nettles I used. |
I picked the dandelion flowers in the morning before the sun was shining to bright. I remember from last summer that there was a lot of insects in the flowers and I don´t want to infuse them into my oils. I put the flowers in a small plastic bag and closed it for a few minutes. Then I put the flowers on a white plate and it was easy to remove the small insects, because they were in a hurry to go away :) I made a tea from the flowers and added honey to it. Wanted to use honey because it adds bubbles to the lather.
Tässä vielä ohje:
450 g oliiviöljyä johon on uutettu nokkosta
100 g avokadoöljyä
300 g kookosöljyä
115 g auringonkukkaöljyä
425 g voikuukkateetä + 2 tl hunajaa
141 g lipeää
vihreätä kromioksiidia
2 kananmunankeltuaista kylmämentelmäversioon, tuoksuksi laventelin ja rosmariinin eteerisiä öljyjä
Kuumamentelmään taas pari lusikallista kreikkalaista jogurttia ja Pioni tuoksuöljyä.
Yritän totuutella nenää kukkaistuoksuihin, joista en ole aikaisemmin pitänyt. Jonkun aikaa sitten tykästyi Freesia-tuoksuöljyyn ja ajattelin kokeilla myös muita kukkaistuoksuja. Pioni on aika mieto tuoksu, mutta hyvin miellyttävä. Pitihän minun myös kokeilla laventelin eteeristä öljyä kun niin monet kehuvat sitä. Mies ei vieläkään pidä siitä vaikka sekoitin sen rosmariinin eteeriseen öljyyn. Rosmariini on minun ehdoton suosikki. Niin raikas, mutta kuitenkin lempeämpi kuin esim. piparminttu.
Here is the recipe:
450 g olive oil infused with nettles
100 g avocado oil
300 g coconut oil
115 g sunflower oil
425 g dandelion flower tea + 2 tsp honey
141 g lye
green chrome oxide
In the CP soaps I also added 2 egg yolks and scented it whit lavender and rosemary essential oils.
The hot process soaps what scented with Peony fragrance oil and I also added two tablespoons of Greek yogurt.
I´m trying to get used to flower fragrances. I have not really liked them before, but some time ago I noticed that I liked Freesia fragrance oil, so I thought that I should also try some other flower FO`s. Peony fragrance oil is quite mild and I like it a lot. I also thought that I should give lavender EO a chance. My hubby still does not like it even if I mixed it with rosemary EO. Rosemary is my favorite. It is fresh, but softer than peppermint EO.
This turned out so wonderful, infused with those natural ingredients you picked! The egg yolk sounds like a really nice addition to shampoo soap. I love the natural color you got, so pretty!
VastaaPoistaThanks Cee. I only see soap ingredients when I´m outside :) I have only used the HP shampoo bar and it is wonderful. The lather is so soft and smooth and it just glides through my hair. In a month or so I can tell how my hair and scalp really reacts.
PoistaThis sounds like an amazing soap, Marika! Nettles and dandelions sound like such interesting ingredients, and I imagine that the honey, egg yolks, and yogurt make the soap super luxurious! The beautiful green color and scents are lovely, too - perfect for spring!
VastaaPoistaThanks Jenny :) I have to say that this shampoo bar makes me so happy. Lovely lather, color and scent. All that I need for a "comfort soap".
PoistaSo, you should name it 'Nettle & Dandelion'! I think it will be a real spa treat for your hair and, why not, body as well. Maybe your husband will love the fact he can use it for every purpose,lol!
VastaaPoistaBut seriously, I think it sounds magical and looks so fresh!
Let us know how you both like it,ok!
I could name it nettle & dandelion, but it contains mostly nettle. I have to think about it :) I have to tell my husband that this is a every purpose soap :D
PoistaWhat beautiful color you achieved!
VastaaPoistaSadly it is not a natural color from nettles, it is green chrome oxide I used.
PoistaLove the natural ingredients you used and a lovely combination: nettle and dandelion!
VastaaPoistaLove the color your obtained!
Thank you Nat :) I also like the natural ingredients.