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tiistai 20. elokuuta 2013

Holly swirl

Terve taas pienen luovan tauon jälkeen :)
Hello again after a small break :)

Olen ihaillut monien tekemiä Holly swirl-saippuoita. Katsokaa vaikka täältä, täältä ja täältä. Tämän tekniikan keksiä on siis Holly Missouri River Soapista. Hän on todella taitava saippuantekijä ja youtubesta löytyy monta hänen videotaan. Käykää vaikka katsomassa miten hän teki saippuan ja täältä löytyy valmiit saippuat leikattuna. Eikö aika herkullisen näköisiä?
I have been admiring all those Holly swirl soaps you have made. For example looke at this, this and this. This technique was developed by Holly from Missouri River Soap. She is a very talented soap maker and you can find her soap making videos on youtube. You can see here how she made her Holly swirl soap and here you can see how the finished soaps look like. Delicious lookins, aren´t they? 

Tässä on sitten minun versioni. Käytin pelkkää oliiviöljyä ja kookosöljyä, koska halusin että saippua ei paksuunnu liian nopeasti. Tuoksuna käytin Euphorian ja Pionin sekoitusta. Värejä mietin kauan, mutta koska minulla on nyt "rakastan keltaista saippuaa"-kausi niin värjäsin suurimman osan saippuasta keltaisella rautaoksidilla, pienen osan titaanioksiidilla ja ihan hitusen sinisellä ultramariinilla. Olen todella tyytyväinen tähän saippuaan. Holly swirl saippuaa oli kiva tehdä ja varmasti kokeilen sitä uudestaan.
This is my version. I used only olive oil and coconut oil so the soap would stay longer at a light trace. I scented the soap with a mixture of Euphoria FO and a little bit of Peony FO. It was difficult to decide what colors I would choose, but since I have this "I love yellow soap"-period, I colored a large portion of the soap with yellow iron oxide, a small part with titanium dioxide and a tiny part with blue ultramarine. I liked to make this Holly swirl soap and I will use this technique in the future.

Tässä vielä ohje itselleni muistutukseksi:

350 g oliiviöljyä
50 g kookosöljyä
152 g vettä + hitunen sokeria
52 g lipeää
3 osaa Euphoria TÖ + 1 osa Pioni TÖ

Here is the recipe:

350 g olive oil
50 g coconut oil
152 g water + a little bit of sugar
52 g lye
3 parts Euphoria FO + 1 part Peony FO

20 kommenttia:

  1. This is beautiful, Marika! I especially like your 2nd picture! I also loved this technique, so easy and no stress with the trace :)
    I have never heard of the fragrance your mentiones, but it sounds interesting!

    1. Thank you Natalia :) Peony is a very flowery and fresh FO and Euphoria is a dupe of a perfume. Can´t remember which one.

  2. Kauniit värit noissa, tulee ihan mieleen joku taideteos!

    1. Oho, kiitos :) Yritin käyttää tällä kerralla vähän vähemmän väriä kun normaalisti pyrin voimakkaisiin selkeisiin väreihin.

  3. Wow, those are some gorgeous swirls, Marika! Great job!

  4. Beautiful soap, Marika! Love your color combination and that is such a beautiful yellow!

    1. Thanks SoapJam. There is just something about that yellow...

  5. Very pretty, your swirl came out really nice - a Holly Tiger Stripes swirl, looks great. I like your soft colours.

    1. Thank you Barbora. And it sure looks a little bit like tiger stripes.

  6. I love how those colors work together, Marika! I agree, that yellow makes a really beautiful soap - I am thinking I need to make some yellow soap now :)

    1. What a good idea Chrissy and thanks :) There can never bee too much yellow soap!

  7. That is so pretty! Pretty swirls and pretty colors! :)

    1. Thanks Kalla! So you think it is super pretty ;) I was really surprised that the first attempt of Holly swirl looks this nice.

  8. Such pretty swirls,Marika! And the colours are so unpretentious,so natural If you hadn't told,I would guess it was indigo and annatto! Nice job!

    1. Thanks :) I would have liked it to be both annatto and indigo. Sometimes I just have to try to make more natural looking soap and other times I just crave both dark and bright colors.

  9. It's such a pretty Holly swirl Marika! Your color combination reminds me of a beautiful field of cornflowers...lovely!

    1. Thank you! I just looooove blue cornflowers (and yellow roses).

  10. Gorgeous soaps! You really did a grate job!
