And the foodstuff continues... I found this recipe also from the blog "Kiitos hyvää". If you want to see the original recipe you can find it from My New Roots. You can make this bread gluten free if you want to and the bread contains mostly almonds and seeds.
Tein kaksinkertaisen takininan kun se mahtui hyvin vuokaan. Tai voiko kasaa siemeniä kutsua taikinaksi. Aika tuhtia tavaraa on. Mutta se oli aika helppo painaa kosteilla käsillä vuokaan ja kelmu päälle ja leipä sai tekeytyä rauhassa jääkaapissa yön yli ja siihen että tulin iltapäivällä töistä kotiin.
I doubled the recipe and the dough fit nicely in my bread pan. Or can you call a pile of seeds a dough. This is really thick and dense, but it is easy to press into the bread pan with moist hands. I put cling wrap on and let the bread sit in the fridge for the night and until the next afternoon when I came home from work.
5 dl auringonkukansiemeniä
2 dl pellavansiemeniä
2 dl kokonaisia kuorittuja manteleita
7 dl (gluteenittomia) kaurahiutaleita
4 rkl chiasiemeniä
6 rkl psylliumia
1 tl merisuolaa
1-2 rkl hunajaa
6 rkl kookosöljyä
7 dl vettä
1. Sekoita kuivat aineet keskenään
2. Sulata hunaja ja kookosöljy vesihauteessa ja sekoita se kuiviin aineisiin
3. Lisää vesi ja sekoita huolellisesti taikinaksi
4. Anna leivän levätä vuoassa jääkaapissa ainakin yön yli
5. Paista uunissa 30-45 min 175 C
6. Poista leipä vuoasta ja paista ritilällä noin 1h-1h 15 min
500 ml sunflower seeds
200 ml flaxseeds
200 ml almonds
700 ml (gluten free) rolled oats
4 tablespoons chia seeds
6 tablespoons psyllium
1 teaspoon sea salt
1-2 tablespoons honey
6 tablespoons coconut oil
700 ml water
1. Mix the dry ingredients
2. Melt the honey and coconut oil in a double boiler and mix it in the dry ingredients.
3. Add the water and mix into a dough
4. Let the bread sit in the bread pan in the fridge for the night
5. Bake in the oven for 30-45 minutes in 175 C
6. Take the bread out of the pan and bake it on the grill in the oven for 60-75 minutes.
Suoraan uunista / Straight from the oven |
I was totally surprised when I tasted the bread. I have never tasted anything that good. And this is also healthy! Now I know what I´m going to do next weekend. Bake brad of course :) The recipe suggested to cut the bread after it had cooled. I cut an end piece when the bread was hot and just enjoyed. The only thing I´m going to do differently next time is to cut the almonds in chunks. Now the almond was falling of the edges. I recommend to use a bread pan made from silicone. Then it is so much easier to get the bread out. I´m already thinking of a similar bread with pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds. I´m going to try it.
Looks yummy, and it sounds so healthy! Thanks for sharing this recipe.
VastaaPoistaJenny, this bread tastes so good that I had to take a piece to work so my co-workers could taste.
PoistaSer supergott ut! Jag bakade själv ett lite liknande bröd för några veckor sedan, bara utan mandel. Det var helt underbart att rosta och sedan breda lite smör på...
VastaaPoistaHar inte ens tänkt på att rosta brödet. Vilken bra idé.
PoistaI love bread, but I've never tried gluten-free bread ( I have no-knead bread with oats baking in the oven as I write this). It sounds really healthy. Aside from the texture being dense, is it chewy and moist? What can you compare the texture to? Thank you for sharing the recipe, Markia. I should try it one of these days. :)
VastaaPoistaIsn´t home made bread so good?! I think the texture is much like normal bread, but with lots of seeds. And it is a little bit moist. We in Finland eat a lot of dark rye bread and the texture is a little bit more than the rye bread compeard with light bread made with wheat flour.
PoistaOh, erikoinen ja kiinnostava ohje! Teen aina välillä näkkäriä siemenistä ja kaurahiutaleista mutta eipä ole tullut mieleen että tämmöinenkin leipämalli voisi toimia! Näyttää tosi hyvältä ja epäilemättä maistuukin. :)
VastaaPoistaToimii paremmin kuin hyvin. Ja voi varmaan aika vapaasti vaihdella siemeniä ja pähkinöitä oman mielen mukaan.
PoistaWow this looks great! My husband has been eating a lot of rye crisps lately, so I bet he would love this bread :)
VastaaPoistaIt is so good. I tried if you could freeze the bread in slices and it works.
PoistaOMG, how could I missed this recipe about bread? I love homemade bread and especially one which contains seeds and oats( by the way, which type of gluten free oats did you use for this recipe?). I will make it soon, Marika, thanks for posting the recipe!
VastaaPoistaBread is like comfort food. In Finland you can only buy "regular" and quick oats and I always use the regular one.