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lauantai 23. maaliskuuta 2013

Shampoo ja hiuspäivitys

Muistatte varmaan tämän shampoon, jonka tein Grate Cakes Soapworksin ohjetta muokaten?

You remember this shampoo bar that I made? It was inspired by a recipe from Great Cakes Soapwors.

No ei se ollut ihan sopivaa minun hiuksilleni. Ensin huomasin että hiukset rasvoittuvat todella paljon nopeammin. Normaalisti pesen hiukset joka toinen päivä ja viikon käytön jälkeen otsatukka oli jo illalla rasvainen. Seuraavaksi alkoi päänahka kutisemaan ensin takaraivon kohdalta ja pikkuhiljaa kutina levisi myös korvien yläpuolelle. Kutina oli sen verran kova että sain pitää hiuksia ponnarilla etten rapsutellut päätä. Loppujen lopuksi sain vaan lopettaa tämän shampoon käytön ja kutina hävisi parin pesukerran jälkeen. Hiukset rasvoittuivat myös ihan tolkuttoman paljon. Jos pesin hiuset illalla niin seuraavana iltana hiukseni olivat niin rasvaiset että luulisi etten ollut pessyt hiuksia 3-4 päivään.

Well,  it did not suit my hair. First my hair got really greasy and my head was itching. I had to put my hair on a pony tail so I would not scratch too much. So I just had to stop using it. When I switched to another shampoo bar my scalp and hair was much better after two washes.

Toisaalta miehenköriläs on pitänyt tästä shampoosta todella paljon. On jo toinen pala menossa (hp shampoo on vielä aika pehmeää ja kuluu normaalia nopeammin). Hän käyttää tätä koko vartalon pesuun eikä hän ole valitellut mistään kutinoista tai muista. Oma analyysi on se että tässä on minulle liian korkea ylirasvoittuvuusprosentti ja kaakaovoi rasvoittaa/hoitaa hiukseni liikaa.

But hubby likes this shampoo bar :) He uses it as a shower soap and shampoo. My own analysis is that my hair still doesn´t like that much super fat and cocoa butter makes my hair greasy.

Positiivinen yllätys oli se että kävin eilen kampaajalla (pitkästä aikaa). Hän ihan spontaanisti lähes huudahti että onpa sinulla kiiltävät hiukset. Hän totesi että hiukseni ovat huomattavasti kiiltävämmät ja terveemmät kuin keskivertokansalaisella. Tämähän sai minut hymyilemään ja hymähtämään. Niin ja uskalsin kertoa että teen itse hiustenpesu ja -hoitoaineet. Kampaaja pyysi että kertoisin lisää ja oli aidosti kiinnostunut. Kyseli erittäin monta jatkokysymystä :) Hän vielä pyysi että jos hän saisi laittaa hieman jojoba-, manteli- ja arganöljyn sekoitusta hiuksiini :D Kyllähän se minulle sopi.

I was yesterday at the hairdresser and she told me that my hair is more shiny than most people have. And she told me my hair is very healthy. After that I told her that I make my own shampoos and conditioners, even if I hesitated for a while. She was exited and asked me a lot of questions :D She also asked if she could put a mixture of jojoba oil, sweet almond oil and argan oil in my hair :D And sure I wanted to try it.

14 kommenttia:

  1. Thanks ,Marika, for sharing your impression on this shampoo! Glad your husband likes it!
    I made yesterday a shampoo with jojoba oil and can't wait to try it too!
    Wish you a nice we!

    1. Jojoba oil is just perfect for hair. I have used conditioner with jojoba oil and it makes my hair shiny and healthy.

  2. At least,you can always use it as a body wash! Plus,your darling likes it,which is good. No waste of precious oils! Jojoba is a great oil, I seem to like it the most and use it pure for my face.
    My hair used to be so long, nice and shiny,but lately I've been noticing it's kinda dried out,splits on the ends,etc. So, I got tired of it and had it cut the other day. Yet, I like my hair long,but only if can be like it used to. Maybe,a handmade bar could help! I believe your hair is so beautiful due to your soaps,despite of the northern climate you live in.

    1. The dry cold air isn´t that good for my hair and I´m waiting for warmer days. I still color my hair every three months and style it. I just don´t need that much styling products now when I´m using shampoo bars. It can also be a reason that my hair stays healthy. My hair grows so fast that I prefer long hair. Some years ago I had really short hair and it looked horrible two weeks after cutting it.

  3. Thanks so much for the update Marika, it's always so interesting that everyone one's hair reacts so drastically different to the different shampoo recipes! I do put a tiny amount of premade oil on my hair ends every morning, but I really should be making my own combo and the one your hairdresser used sounds lovely!

    1. I have only put coconut oil in my hair, but I´m thinking of mixing it with jojoba.

  4. It seems like everyone's hair reacts so differently to the same recipe. I'm glad that you found one that you like, and that your hubby likes the one that didn't quite work for your hair. And the nice thing about shampoo bars is that if they don't work as shampoo, you can always just use them as body bars!

    1. It´s so true. My favorite shampoos are not my husbands favorites. But we have so different hair. He has thick strong hair and mine is typical Finnish hair, glass like and thin.

  5. Hi Marika. Lately I'm starting to ask myself if solid shampoo is really appropriate for hair - my own anyway seems to dissagree with it. It dries it out too much, because it's PH is usually higher than the scalp's and even if I folow up with conditioner, I still get dried scalp and split ends. So far, the best for my hair were shampoo recipes that included milk and honey, and neem oil, but they were not perfect either. I don't want to go back to commercial shampoos and all the nasty things they contain either. So what could I do?

    1. Have you tried egg yolk in your shampoo bars? And how high super fat do you use? Do you rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar? My hair would also be dry if I would only use shampoo bars and conditioner. My routine is that I wash my scalp twice with my shampoo bar and it is enough shampoo for the rest of my hair when I rinse my scalp with water. After that I put home made conditioner in the ends (now I use one with jojoba oil). Then I rinse lightly my hair with water and put a mixture of strong green tea and apple cider vinegar in the whole hair. I rinse it out after I´ve washed myself.

    2. No, I must confess I haven't tried egg yolk. I'll do that. I did use vinegar, but there was no big diference and I didn't like the smell - though it didn't last long - and I gave up on it. Thank you for the tips, I'll try your suggestions and maybe at the end apply a bit of conditioner - I'll try a home made recipe too - to wash away the vinegar smell. Have a great week! :)

    3. I have this ACV that contains peach and does not smell that bad. Maby no poo or washing with castile soap would be better for you?

  6. I am glad that you find appropriate shampoo bar which suits you and that big effort in formulating your recipe was worth of it!

    1. Egg and coconut milk is best for my shampoo bars :)
