Noh, vaikka ensimmäinen banaanimaitosaippua epäonnistui totaalisesti, niin halusin piakkoin tehdä uudet saippuat. Taktiikkani oli että tällä kertaa laittaisin puolet banaanimäärästä, pakastaisin banaanimaidon ja jakaisin saippuan kahteen muottiin jotta saippua ei ylikuumenisi. Tein saippuan ihan samalla ohjeella kun sen edellisenkin, eli siinä on kookosöljyä, oliiviöljyä, riisinleseöljyä sekä naudanrasvaa. Jaoin saippuamassan kahteen osaan. Toiseen laitoin Vaniljakahvi tuoksuöljyä (joka värjää saippuan ruskeaksi) ja toiseen hieman titaanioksiidia sekä Pacheri Mango tuoksuöljyä (ei värjää). Molemmat menivät pakastimeen heti.
Well the first bananamilk soap was a disaster, so I just had to make new soaps. My tactics was to put half as much banana and freeze the bananamilk and split the soap batter in two different molds so the soap will not overheat. I used the same recipe with coconut oil, olive oil, rice bran oil and beef tallow. I spilt the soap in two and one half I scented with Vanilla coffee (that will discolor the soap to brown) and the other with Pacheri Mango FO and added also a little bit of titanium dioxide. Both soaps were put in the freezer immediately.
Tässä on tulos. Taas näyttää tosi hyvältä.
Here is the result. It looks good again.
Pacher Mango |
Vaniljakahvi/Vanilla Coffee |
I cut the soaps when they were still to soft. One bar was so ugly that I made soap balls of it.
Tässä vielä odotan vasemmanpuoleisen saippuan tummenemista/Here I´m still waiting for the soaps on the left to darken. |
I let the soaps dry for four days and then I checked out if I could clean up the bars a little bit. Then the soaps looked like this.
Vaaleat saippuat ovat varsinkin minun mieleeni/I like the lighter soaps the best. |
Then I saw something suspicious in the darker soaps. Do you see the light spots??
Näyttää ihan sulamattomalta lipeältä!!!/It looks like lye that has not dissolved !!! |
No!! It must be undissolved lye :´( Don´t want to trow the soaps away, so I just chopped them into small pieces and put them in the oven. I mixed some coconut milk and a splash of castor oil. When the soap was like apple sauce, I added Bollywood FO.
Tämän näköinen se lopputulos sitten on. Leikkasin vuosi sitten tehtyjä omppusaippuan paloja joukkoon, koska niistä hävisi tuoksu ihan liian turhan nopeasti.
Here is how the soap looks now. I added some pieces of apple scented multicolored soap, because they did not have a scent anymore. It vanished too fast.
Ei niin kaunista, mutta toimivaa/Not that beautiful, but functional soap. |
Voi ei...ensimmäisiä kuvia katsellessani ehdin jo iloita onnistumisestasi. :( Minä olen joskus suodattanut lipeänesteen kestomallisen kahvinsuodattimen läpi, niin välttyy raejäämiltä -tosin yleensä en viitsi...mutta maitoa käytettäessä olisi varmaan hyvä suodattaa, siitä kun on vaikeampi nähdä, onko kaikki lipeä sulanut.
VastaaPoistaMinulla on semmoinen pienireikäinen siivilä (teesiivilä kait) jolla monesti siivilöin lipenesteen, mutta jostain syystä se nyt vaan jäi tekemättä.
PoistaThis banana has been giving you such a hard time,I see! Every new banana batch brings a new challenge. Luckily, this one has been saved! You finally will be able to enjoy it!
VastaaPoistaDon´t think I´m going to try to make "the perfect bananamilk soap" for awhile.
PoistaOh no, not again! :( So sorry this banana milk soap is giving you such a hard time! Again, another great save though, I love those bright chunks of color in the darker soap...looks great!
VastaaPoistaI know! This is so awful. Now I have a bunch of brown soap that I don´t really like :)
PoistaSorry about your troubles with the banana milk soap! At least you were able to save the batch though, and not have to throw it out. I wish mine would have turned out the color of your Pacheri Mango, it's so pretty...but mine discolored to dark brown! :)
VastaaPoistaAlmost too much trouble :) But this time it was my own fault. I liked your brown one!
PoistaOh, sorry to hear you had some troubles with this lovely soap but so nice of you to remake it!And, don't worry about the brown color, the soap is so good, taking into account its composition!
VastaaPoistaI still have to make this banana soap too!
Brown is good, but too much brown banana soap can be too much for me :)