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perjantai 1. maaliskuuta 2013

Vaahtokuvia gojisuolasaippuasta ja oliivinaudanrasvasaippuasta

Lupasin noin kuukausi sitten että kun saippua jossa on pelkkää naudanrasvaa ja oliviiöljyä on kypsynyt niin laitan vähän vaahtokuvia tänne. Ajattelin samalla että laitan myös gojisuolasaippuasta kuvia, koska siitä on tullut minun lempi saippua. Käytän suolasaippuaa kasvojen pesuun ja se ei kuivata ihoa yhtään. Ja bonuksena olen huomannut että mustapäät "nousevat" ihosta niin että ne on helpompi poistaa ja iho näyttää paremmalta. Minulla on muuten ihan ok iho kasvoissa, mutta mustapäitä tulee koko ajan vaikka hoidan ihoani aamuin illoin.

Little over a month ago I promised to post pictures of the soap with only beef tallow and olive oil. Or not just of the soap, but of the lather. I thought that I should also show some pictures of the salt soap with goji berries. It is now one of my favorite soaps. I wash my face with it and it doesn´t dry my skin at all. I have also noticed that the blackheads "pops up" from the skin so it is easier to remove them and the skin looks much better.

Saippua vaahtoaa vähänlaisesti ja se tuntuu ihan oliivisaippualle. Todennäköisesti pidempi kypsymisaika parantaa vaahtoavuutta. Mutta tämä tuntuu todella ihanalle. There is little lather and the soap feels like castile soap. Probably a longer curing time will increase the lather.

Pesukukan kanssa saippua vaahtoaa todella paljon paremmin. Tämä on ehdottomasti herkän ihon saippua. Pitää hankkia lisää naudanrasvaa, koska saippua tuntuu niin hyvältä iholla. You can see that the lather is better when you use a sponge (don´t know what that purple thing is called in English so I´ll call it a sponge). This soap is definetly for sensitive skin. I´ll have to buy more beef tallow.

Ensin suolasaippua vaahtoaa vähän ja kuplat ovat suuria. First there is little foam and the bubbles are large.

Hetken päästä vaahto muuttuu tiiviiksi ja pienikuplaiseksi. Tätä voisi käyttää ihan hyvin kun ajaa säärikarvat. After a while the lather becomes more dense and the bubbles are small. You could use this when you are shaving your legs.

Saippuakukan kanssa vaahto muuttuu taas isokuplaisemmaksi ja sitä riittää mielin määrin. When you use the sponge, the bubbles becomes larger and there is tons of lather.

9 kommenttia:

  1. I also use the same puff for taking shower. I find it easier to handle than soap. Earlier I was not so curious about the salt soap, but lately I've become eager to make some small experimental batch. I could't believe it feels great on sensitive or dry skin, it sounds illogical. Also, I have never tried tallow and it's really impressive if it's good for sensitive skin. People here are tending to underestimate the tallow,knowing that it was used through history as a laundry soap.

    1. Do try salt soap, it is the soap that most people like. My mother has very dry skin and it is so thin and sensitive because of using cortisone for years and she uses a salt soap on her face. And that soap contains as much salt as oils and butter. This salt soap contains only 50 %.

  2. Grate post Marika! Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us! Lard is underestimated soaping ingredient in Serbia which is really surprising concerning the quantity of meet eaten here. It seems that it is worth trying.

    1. I both like lard and beef tallow, but I think it is easier to soap with tallow because it does not smell at all and you get more time swirling and making multicolored soap. Don´t know what happens to the lard and tallow in Finland. And we eat much meat here too.

  3. Beautiful soaps, Marika! I love to use a shower poof, too. It really helps get a lather going, even with castile soap. And the lather from the flower soap looks so dense and creamy!

    1. Thank you Jenny :) The flower soap is my favorite salt soap and I have never before made a salt soap with that much lather. And thanks, now I know it is a shower poof :D

    2. Hey Jenny,is it 'poof', or 'puff'? Actually,I think both!?

  4. Wow, look at that dense, thick lather on the flower soap! Thanks for updating these pics!

    1. Can´t remember if I have seen salt bars made by you Cee? The lather feels really luxurious on the skin.
